New Books We Recommend This Week
Suggested reading in this Month.
Cybersecurity and Third-Party Risk: Third Party Threat Hunting
by Gregory C Rasner
“After large breaches at well-known organizations including Home Depot, Capital One, Equifax, Best Buy and many others, CISOs, Cybersecurity professionals and business leaders have spent countless hours and money upgrading their cybersecurity internally. Data Loss Prevention, Cloud Access Security Broker, Intrusion Detection/Prevention, Zero Trust, Privileged Access Manager, and countless other projects and systems have been purchased and integrated to head off breaches. And yet the size and frequency of breaches continue to grow. The real kicker: many of these major breaches occurred at a third-party. These companies, like too many others still, did not pay attention to the cybersecurity of their vendors. These caused large financial penalties, but the reputational losses were often enormous. Both for the companies and the personnel who ran the cybersecurity at these firms. And sixty percent of companies admit not performing adequate cybersecurity vetting of vendors. Thirty-three ”
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